Cancellation Policy

V.Teams Terms of Use

Access to and use of the website (hereinafter the "V.Teams Website") and the information, materials, products and services available through the V.Teams Website are subject to these terms of use (the "Website Terms of Use").

In addition, for V.Teams Business Owners (BOs), the documents constituting the BO Contract apply, for Preferred Customers (PCs), the Terms and Conditions of the Preferred Customer Agreement apply, and, for any purchases of goods or services, the V.Teams Refund Policy applies.

The Website Terms of Use may be updated from time to time. Updated versions will be posted on the V.Teams Website and are effective immediately. When using the V.Teams Website you should regularly verify whether the Website Terms of Use have been updated or amended.

The V.Teams Website provides information on V.Teams, the V.Teams Business and V.Teams products and services, is intended only for use from and in the Republic of India (India) and is based on the laws of India. V.Teams disclaims any liability and responsibility for use of the V.Teams Website from other countries.


1. Password Protected Parts of the V.Teams Website

The password-protected parts of the V.Teams Website are intended exclusively for BOs and PCs in India

Please note: Passwords should not be given to third parties and must be protected from unauthorized access. If you become aware of any unauthorized use of your password, you should notify V.Teams immediately. V.Teams disclaims any liability and responsibility for damage caused as a result of improper use of passwords.


2. V.Teams's Privacy Statement and Policies

All personal data provided to V.Teams while using the V.Teams Website will be handled in accordance with the Website Privacy Notice. If you register or log in as an BO or as a Preferred Customer, the Privacy Policy for BOs and PCs applies in addition.

All information provided to V.Teams during the use of the V.Teams Website must be correct, complete, and up to date. If we have reason to believe that incorrect, incomplete or outdated information has been provided, access to the V.Teams Website may be limited or blocked.


3. Copyright and Use of V.Teams Website Materials

The V.Teams Website and materials made available on the V.Teams Website are protected by intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trade names and trademarks, including the name "V.Teams" and the V.Teams logo, and are owned by V.Teams or used by V.Teams under a license or with permission from the owner of such rights. Materials protected by such intellectual property rights include the design, layout, look, appearance, graphics, photos, images, articles, stories and other materials available on the V.Teams Website (collectively, "Website Materials").

Website Materials may only be reproduced, distributed, published or otherwise publicly presented based on a prior written consent by V.Teams. As an exception to this rule, V.Teams grants BOs a limited, non-exclusive, revocable license to use Website Materials solely for the purposes of operating their BO business by downloading, storing, printing, copying, sharing and displaying Website Materials, provided that the Material is unaltered and the source of information is quoted in case any Website Materials are disclosed to third parties. Should you have additional questions on the use of the Website Materials .

The right to use the password-protected parts of the V.Teams Website as an BO or a PC ends on termination of the BO Contract or of the PC Agreement without the need for any further actions by V.Teams. In the event of termination thereof, the BO or PC must delete or destroy all stored, printed or copied materials, unless they must be retained to comply with legal requirements.


4. Links to Other Websites

We may link to other websites which are not within our control. We are not responsible or liable for the information or materials made available by such third party websites. We encourage you to read the terms of use and privacy statements of all third party websites before using such websites or submitting any personal data or any other information on or through such websites.


5. Links from Other Websites to the V.Teams Website

Inserting links from a third-party website to requires prior written consent from V.Teams.


6. Limitation of Liability, Disclaimer of Warranties and Indemnification

To the extent permitted by applicable law, neither V.Teams nor its affiliates shall be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or other damages whatsoever, including but not limited to property damage, loss of use, loss of business, economic loss, loss of data or loss of profits, arising out of or in connection with your use or access to, or inability to use or access the V.Teams Website or its content.

V.Teams will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the information and materials provided on this Website are correct. However, V.Teams cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information and materials and does not assume any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of any information and materials contained on this Website. We do not warrant that the operation of this Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that this Website is free from viruses or other components that may be harmful to equipment or software. V.Teams does not guarantee that the V.Teams Website will be compatible with the equipment and software which you may use and does not guarantee that the V.Teams Website will be available all the time or at any specific time.

You agree to indemnify, defend and hold V.Teams and its affiliates harmless from any liability or loss, related to either your violation of these Website Terms of Use or your use of the V.Teams Website.


7. Restricting or Blocking Access to the V.Teams Website for Violations of the Website Terms of Use

In case of a violation of these Website Terms of Use, particularly in case of use of the V.Teams Website or individual elements of the V.Teams Website for other than its intended use, access to the V.Teams Website may be restricted or blocked.

V.Teams generally reserves the right to partially or entirely alter, block, or discontinue the V.Teams Website or its content at any time and for any reason.


8. Severability Clause

Should one of the provisions of these Website Terms of Use be invalid or declared invalid by a court, this will not affect the validity of the remaining terms.


9. Choice of law, Jurisdiction and Venue

The use of the V.Teams Website and these Website Terms of Use are governed by the laws of the Republic of India. The courts of New Delhi have exclusive jurisdiction and venue for any disputes arising from or in connection with the use of the V.Teams Website or these Website Terms of Use.

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